Opioid Epidemic Information and 澳门网络娱乐游戏平台

Opioid addiction is an enormous and frightening challenge for the entire country. The potential impacts to Minnesota cities include an array of significant, 直接, and in直接 costs to public health and public safety resources. To help cities deal with this issue, the League has compiled a list of reliable resources created by organizations with expertise and experience in this area.

The League will continue to watch this issue and update this list as necessary. If you have a story to share or a request for more resources, 请与联盟联络 (电子邮件保护).

Annual Reporting Requirement – Due March 31st

Cities who received a 直接 payment from the opioid settlements are required to make an annual report with the Department of Human 服务.  Joining the settlements alone does not trigger the need for an annual report. Disbursements and grants from your county would be reported by the county rather than the city.

If your city received funds 直接ly from the opioid settlements between April 1 and March 31, 点击这个链接 Opioid settlement reporting dashboard.  This is an annual requirement – due March 31 of each year funds were received.

Learn more from these resources:





State and national municipal leagues


Webjunction — Opioid Crisis: Libraries, 澳门网络娱乐游戏平台, Context and Data